Guerrilla marketing ideas that work for any business
Looking for unique ways to get big bang for your marketing dollars without spending big bucks?
Then guerrilla marketing - the art of getting consumers to pay attention - may be the wild beast you've been searching for.
Guerrilla campaigns aren't built around rules. They're main goal is to make people feel special, positively surprised, intrigued or thrilled by their experience with the brand.
And just about everyone could use a bit more of that these days.
Here are three famous examples of guerrilla marketing
American coffee company, Folgers, embedded a coffee mug in the ground
France's Médecins du Monde (Doctors of the World) showed fought homelessness by distributing hundreds of tents to Paris' vagrants in "tent city." French government responded by allocating $10 million for emergency housing.
Axe deodorant ads stuck around the US suggest that women will flock to Axe wearers and their chick-magnet scents
There are hundreds more examples from blimps in the sky to flash mobs in the subway.
But even small businesses can come up with winning guerrilla marketing ideas.
Here are six to get you started.
Piggyback on a fun holiday or event
Stay top of mind by piggybacking on some of the big and obscure holidays and events around the world.
For example, Random Acts of Kindness Day (February 17), Best Friends Day (June 8), Give Something Away Day (July 15), and Positive Thinking Day (September 13).
Or events such as Coachella Music Festival, Carnivale in Rio, or something closer to home Vivid, Ute Muster, Mona Festival or Broken Heel Festival in Broome.
Whatever you choose needs to be connected to your brand in some logical way.
Then promote them through:
- redesigning your logo
- social media channels
- email newsletters
- your website
Host a local launch party
If you're launching a new product or service, create some buzz with a social launch party
Hold it at a local restaurant or hotel and send personalised invitations in the mail to people you know.
You should also get in touch with the media and send out a press release about the event, encouraging them to come along.
- Have some prizes to tempt people in.
- Ask guests to invite friends to like your Facebook page
- Encourage people to share a photo of themselves at the party using a common hashtag on the appropriate networks e.g. Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc
Spill the beans on an event
If you're planning on having a booth or presenting at a conference or trade show, find out who is speaking and what the conference hashtags are as early as possible.
Then start sharing content from speakers and attending influencers using the hashtag. That way you'll show up on feeds before, during and after the event.
Share stories on Reddit and other forums
Popular social news aggregation, web content rating and discussion site Reddit is divided into many subreddits, or niches.
There's almost certainly a knowledgeable community of people already talking about something related to your product or service. Or the problem it solves.
Instead of blatantly o your business (for which you will be promptly cut down to size), share genuine stories about how your product is helping people and offer objective advice.
There are many industry and topic specific forums across s the web. You can find them easily using Google search.
Posting in online forums as a helpful member of the community rather than a hardcore salesperson can quickly earn you fans, customers and attention. For no cost but a bit of time.
Make stickers part of your campaign
Stickers are an eye-catching and inexpensive way to get your brand and message in front of people, wherever they roam.
You can give stickers away at events, to prospects and clients, or out and about.
Some younger people stickers on their laptops, video game consoles and other possessions to show off brands they love.
In fact, Apple still includes stickers of their apple logo in their product packaging.
You can also use stickers to advertise a message in a specific location. Just be careful not to annoy people in the process as this will damage your brand.
Add a personal touch
Today, most things feel like they've come off a long conveyor belt of exactly-the-sames. That's why people love the idea of tailor-made, custom-made, one-of-a-kind products and services.
It makes them feel:
- like person, not a number
- that the business or person doing the personalising really cares about them.
And when people believe you care and are doing something just for them, they pay attention.
You can add some one-of-a-kind to your guerrilla campaign through:
- a thankyou card or letter within 24 hours of a purchase
- birthday cards signed by your team
- a printed postcard with a personal message, special offer and fun or beautiful front
- post it note with invoices
Guerrilla marketing is not just a tactic. It's a mindset that gives your business the opportunity to break free of the constraints of regular marketing and focus almost completely on customers and their perspective.
In a busy world, that's refreshing for you and your audience.
If you'd like some help designing and printing elements of your guerrilla marketing campaign, talk to your local Snap Centre today.