The power of printed event invitations
In the time of Facebook events and email invites, printed invitations have become far less common save for weddings and other important life events. However, these are definitely not the only things they're good for. Whether you're hosting a workshop, a client event, or internal company celebrations, print invitations can help improve client relationships, increase team morale and even boost your bottom line. Here's why.
1. They make you feel special
There was once a time when sending invitations in the mail was the only way to get people to attend your event. These days, however, the digital world has diminished this need. Setting up an event on social media or sending a quick email out to your database are both now deemed a more convenient way to spread the word.
As a result, people now receive significantly less paper invites than they did a couple of decades ago, which means when they do receive one, it feels rather special. A digital invitation, on the other hand, is more likely to drown in a vast sea of notifications, newsletters, and work emails.
2. They're a feast for your senses
Probably the most appealing thing about paper invitations is their ability to keep recipients engaged for longer. Even the simplest design will result in a certain level of engagement when opening the envelope, taking out the card, and absorbing its content. So regardless of what design, paper, or finishes you choose, print invitations are able to address multiple human senses, like touch, sight, and smell all at once. This evokes positive emotions in your target audience, which can turn receiving your event invite into a memorable experience instead of just another notification.
3. They don't end up in spam folders
It's all too common for important emails to end up in spam folders we've all been there. Sending paper invitations for your corporate events, however, is one sure way to avoid this. And if you don't want to put the fate of your event into the hands of the local postie, you can always play it safe by shipping your invites via express or even courier post. This way, you can be certain they'll end up in the right hands.
4. They get people to actually RSVP
A digital invitation can be rather easy to ignore or forget as it gradually moves down to the very bottom of your inbox as time goes on. A paper invitation, on the other hand, stays in its place probably on your invitee's desk ¬ as a constant reminder of your event. To make it easy for people to RSVP, you can give them the option to respond to a designated email address or access an event URL (if you have one). Alternatively, you could include a formal RSVP card in your mailout.
So, if you want to make sure your next event is a full-blown success, try delighting your invitees with one-of-a-kind print invite to put them in the right mood.
Looking for more information on printing event invitations? Contact your local Snap Centre.